Sayings of friends cheating with your woman

1. "A friend who cheats with your woman is no friend at all."

2. "Betrayal by a friend hurts more than betrayal by a stranger."

3. "Real friends don't stab you in the back, especially with your partner."

4. "The ultimate betrayal is when a friend betrays you with your significant other."

5. "A true friend would never cross that line and betray your trust in such a way."

6. "When a friend cheats with your woman, it's a double betrayal that cuts deep."

7. "A friend who cheats with your woman is not worth keeping around."

8. "It's a sad truth that sometimes the biggest betrayals come from those closest to us."

9. "A friend who would cheat with your woman is not a friend worth having."

10. "The pain of betrayal is amplified when it comes from someone you considered a friend."

Above is Sayings of friends cheating with your woman.

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