Sayings of geologists

1. "The present is the key to the past."

2. "Rock solid evidence."

3. "Life is too short to take for granite."

4. "Geology rocks!"

5. "Don't take things for granite."

6. "Stratigraphy is the way to go."

7. "Geologists make the bedrock of society."

8. "Earth's history is written in stone."

9. "Digging deep for the truth."

10. "Geology: where the past meets the present."

Above is Sayings of geologists.

Chinese sayings about filial piety

1. 孝顺父母,是天地之道。Translation: Being filial to one's parents is the way of heaven and earth.2. 孝顺父母,是中华民族的传统美德。Translation: Being filial to one's parents is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.3. 孝顺父母,是人之本分。Translation: Being filial to one's parents is a person's basic duty.4. 孝顺父母,是立身之本。Translat

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Military sayings tattoos

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Sayings about beinh

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Sayings about one way love

1. One-sided love is like standing in the rain, hoping to be noticed while the other person stays dry under an umbrella.2. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like trying to catch a falling star - beautiful but ultimately unattainable.3. One-way love is a silent battle fought within the