Sayings of hazrat muhammad

Here are some sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

1. "The best among you are those who have the best manners and character."

2. "Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil."

3. "The strong person is not the one who can overpower others. Rather, the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry."

4. "Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith."

5. "The most complete believer in faith is the one whose character is the best, and the best among you are those who are the best to their wives."

6. "A person who goes to bed with a full stomach while his neighbor is hungry is not a believer."

7. "The best charity is that given in Ramadan."

8. "The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best among you to my family."

9. "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest."

10. "A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world."

These sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasize the importance of good character, kindness, charity, and treating others with respect and compassion.

Above is Sayings of hazrat muhammad.

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