Sayings of ibrahim bin adham

Ibrahim bin Adham was a renowned Sufi saint and ascetic known for his wisdom and piety. Some of his famous sayings include:

1. "The heart that is attached to the world is a heart that is dead to the hereafter."

2. "True poverty is not in lacking wealth, but in lacking contentment."

3. "The greatest wealth is contentment with what one has."

4. "The path to God is through selflessness and humility."

5. "The key to unlocking the doors of mercy is through sincere repentance."

6. "The true seeker of God is one who is constantly in a state of remembrance and gratitude."

7. "The greatest act of worship is to be kind and compassionate towards others."

8. "The journey to God is a journey of the heart, not of the body."

9. "The true measure of a person's faith is in their actions, not in their words."

10. "The one who is truly free is the one who has freed themselves from the shackles of their desires."

Above is Sayings of ibrahim bin adham.

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