Sayings of mad hatter

1. "We're all mad here."

2. "You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret: all the best people are."

3. "Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usually are."

4. "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."

5. "If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk."

6. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

7. "I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours."

8. "It's always tea time."

9. "You used to be much more muchier, you've lost your muchness."

10. "No wonder you're late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow."

Above is Sayings of mad hatter.

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