Sayings of the desert fathers orthodox

Here are some sayings of the Desert Fathers from the Orthodox tradition:

1. "Stay in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything." - Abba Moses

2. "Do not be always wanting everything to turn out as you think it should, but rather as God pleases, then you will be undisturbed and thankful in your prayer." - Abba Nilus

3. "If a man wants God to hear his prayer quickly, then before he prays for anything else, even his own soul, when he stands and stretches out his hands towards God, he must pray with all his heart for his enemies. Through this action God will hear everything that he asks." - Abba Zeno

4. "The more a man's heart is humble, the more God will show him." - Abba Poemen

5. "The true monk is one who is not aware that he is a monk, and the true fast is one that is not aware that it is a fast." - Abba Joseph

These sayings reflect the wisdom and spiritual insights of the Desert Fathers, who lived ascetic lives in the deserts of Egypt and Syria in the early centuries of Christianity.

Above is Sayings of the desert fathers orthodox.

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