Sayings with dig

1. "Dig deep, the treasure lies within."

2. "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

3. "Dig your heels in and stand your ground."

4. "Digging for gold may not bring riches, but digging for knowledge will."

5. "Sometimes you have to dig through the dirt to find the diamonds."

6. "Don't just scratch the surface, dig deeper for the truth."

7. "Digging up the past can unearth valuable lessons for the future."

8. "When life gives you dirt, dig a hole and plant a seed of hope."

9. "Digging for answers may lead to more questions, but the journey is worth it."

10. "Digging for success requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to get your hands dirty."

Above is Sayings with dig.

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That dog won't hunt and other sayings

1. Barking up the wrong tree - pursuing the wrong course of action or seeking the wrong solution.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch - don't assume success before it is certain.3. A penny for your thoughts - asking someone what they are thinking about.4. A stitch in time saves nine