Sayings of vivekhananda

1. "Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached."

2. "You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself."

3. "The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves."

4. "In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart."

5. "All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark."

6. "Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way."

7. "The greatest sin is to think yourself weak."

8. "Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny."

9. "The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong."

10. "The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free."

Above is Sayings of vivekhananda.

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