Sayings on retirement cards

1. "Congratulations on your retirement! May this new chapter be filled with joy, relaxation, and new adventures."

2. "Wishing you a retirement filled with laughter, love, and all the things you enjoy most."

3. "Cheers to the next chapter of your life! May your retirement be as amazing as you are."

4. "Retirement is not the end, it's a new beginning. Enjoy every moment of this well-deserved time for yourself."

5. "As you retire, remember that the best is yet to come. Enjoy every moment and embrace the freedom ahead."

6. "Retirement is the perfect time to do what makes you happy. Wishing you all the best in this new phase of life."

7. "You've worked hard for this moment, now it's time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Happy retirement!"

8. "May your retirement be filled with relaxation, adventure, and all the things you love. Congratulations!"

9. "Retirement is the beginning of a new journey. May yours be filled with happiness, health, and endless possibilities."

10. "Wishing you a retirement full of sunny days, peaceful nights, and all the things that bring you joy."

Above is Sayings on retirement cards.

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