Sayings on swachh bharat abhiyan

1. "Cleanliness is next to godliness."

2. "Keep your surroundings clean to keep diseases at bay."

3. "A clean India is the best tribute we can pay to Mahatma Gandhi."

4. "Cleanliness is the hallmark of perfect standards and the best quality inspector is the conscience."

5. "Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat - Clean India, Healthy India."

6. "Cleanliness begins at home, but it doesn't end there."

7. "Let's pledge to make every corner of India clean and green."

8. "A clean environment is a right of every citizen, let's work together to achieve it."

9. "Cleanliness is not a one-time task, it's a way of life."

10. "Small steps towards cleanliness can lead to a giant leap for a Swachh Bharat."

Above is Sayings on swachh bharat abhiyan.

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