Sayings teens used un 1960s and 1970s in canada

1. "Groovy" - used to describe something cool or exciting

2. "Far out" - used to express amazement or approval

3. "Dig it" - used to show understanding or agreement

4. "Right on" - used to show support or agreement

5. "Keep on truckin'" - used to encourage someone to keep going or persevere

6. "Don't be a square" - used to encourage someone to be open-minded or not conform to societal norms

7. "Peace out" - used as a farewell or to express a desire for peace and harmony

8. "Sock it to me" - used to express a desire for something exciting or stimulating

9. "Can you dig it?" - used to ask if someone understands or agrees with something

10. "Let it all hang out" - used to encourage someone to be themselves and not hold back

Above is Sayings teens used un 1960s and 1970s in canada.

Thank you sayings with candy

1. You're as sweet as candy, thank you!2. Thanks for being a treat in my life!3. You're like a box of chocolates - always bringing joy. Thank you!4. Thanks for being so sweet, just like candy!5. You're the sweetest, thank you for everything!6. Life is sweeter with you in it. Thank you!7.

Short sayings life

1. Life is short, make it sweet.2. Live in the moment.3. Embrace the journey, not just the destination.4. Happiness is a choice.5. Cherish the little things.6. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.7. Dream big, work hard.8. The best is yet to come.9. Find joy in

Sayings for man turning 50

1. Life begins at 50.2. Fifty and fabulous.3. 50 is the new 30.4. Aged to perfection at 50.5. Half a century young.6. Embracing the wisdom of 50.7. Fifty and thriving.8. Like a fine wine, getting better with age.9. 50 years of awesomeness.10. Celebrating 50 years of life's journey

Sayings abou beauty

1. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. - Kahlil Gibran2. Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. - John Ray3. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. - Sophia Loren4. The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.

Jimmy buffett famous sayings

Here are some famous sayings by Jimmy Buffett:1. If life gives you limes, make margaritas.2. It's five o'clock somewhere.3. Changes in latitude, changes in attitude.4. I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead.5. Some of it's magic, some of it's tragic, but I had a good life

Chocolate love quotes sayings

1. All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. - Charles M. Schulz2. Chocolate is happiness that you can eat. - Ursula Kohaupt3. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. - Forrest Gump4. Anything is good if it's made of chocolate. -

Cute bananda sayings

1. You're the 'peel' to my banana!2. You drive me bananas in the best way!3. Life is better with a little 'split' personality!4. You're the top 'banana' in my bunch!5. I'm bananas for you!6. Let's go bananas together!7. You're the 'a-peel' of my eye!8. You make my heart go 'bananas'!

Geordie sayings quiz

Alright, I'll give you some Geordie sayings and you can try to guess what they mean. Here we go:1. Howay, man!2. Gan canny.3. Areet pet?4. Hinny.5. Whey aye, man!Can you guess the meanings of these Geordie sayings?

I like you quotes and sayings

Of course! Here are some quotes and sayings that you might like:1. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde2. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. - Unknown3. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - C.S. Lewis4. The only way to

Cliche knight sayings

1. Honor above all else.2. Brave heart, strong arm.3. In the name of the king!4. Chivalry never dies.5. For king and country!6. Stand tall, fight strong.7. A knight's duty is never done.8. Courage in the face of danger.9. Faith, valor, and loyalty.10. True knights never retreat.