Sayings to do with a deck of cards

1. "Life is like a deck of cards, you never know what hand you'll be dealt."

2. "Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt."

3. "It's not about the cards you're dealt, but how you play your hand."

4. "In the game of life, always keep a few aces up your sleeve."

5. "Life is a gamble, so play your cards wisely."

6. "You can't control the cards you're dealt, but you can control how you play them."

7. "Every card in the deck has a purpose, just like every person in your life."

8. "A full deck is a full life, make the most of every card."

9. "Don't let a bad hand keep you from playing the game."

10. "Shuffle the deck and deal with whatever comes your way."

Above is Sayings to do with a deck of cards.

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Poet sayings

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