Sayings with honey in them

1. "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

2. "A spoonful of honey makes the medicine go down."

3. "Honey is sweet, but the bee stings."

4. "Honeyed words can sweeten the sourest hearts."

5. "Like bees to honey."

6. "Honey on the lips, poison in the heart."

7. "Honey catches more flies than vinegar."

8. "Honey is the nectar of life."

9. "Honeyed speech is the key to persuasion."

10. "Honey is the sweetest of rewards."

Above is Sayings with honey in them.

Sayings for the month of june

1. June is the time to embrace the warmth of the sun and the beauty of nature.2. In June, let your worries melt away like ice cream in the summer heat.3. June is a reminder that change can be beautiful, just like the blooming flowers.4. As the days get longer in June, so does the opportunity

Cool basketball shirt sayings

1. Ball is life2. Hoop dreams3. Shoot your shot4. Dribble, shoot, score, repeat5. In basketball we trust6. Nothin' but net7. Hustle, hit, never quit8. Fear the shooter9. Defense wins games10. Basketball never stops

Sayings with the word bloom

1. Bloom where you are planted.2. Every flower must grow through dirt before it can bloom.3. Let your dreams blossom and bloom.4. She was a wildflower in a world of weeds, destined to bloom.5. In the garden of life, bloom where you are planted.6. The flower that blooms in adversity is the

Hogwarts houses and sayings

Gryffindor: Courage, bravery, determinationRavenclaw: Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasureHufflepuff: Hard work, patience, loyaltySlytherin: Ambition, cunning, resourcefulness

Paul mooney sayings

Paul Mooney, the late comedian and writer, was known for his sharp wit and insightful commentary on race and society. Here are some popular Paul Mooney sayings:1. Everybody wanna be a nigga, but nobody wanna be a nigga.2. I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.3. You have to be careful who yo

Bosnian sayings funny

1. Ko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi. (The early bird catches two fortunes.)2. Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani. (Better a sparrow in hand than a pigeon on a branch.)3. Ko se zadnji smije, najslađe se smije. (He who laughs last, laughs sweetest.)4. Nema dima bez vatre. (There's no smok

Dad jokes and sayings

Sure, here are some dad jokes and sayings for you:1. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two tired.2. I'm reading a book on the history of glue. I just can't seem to put it down.3. I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.4. I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I

American sayings apparel tee shirts

Here are some American sayings that could be featured on apparel tee shirts:1. Keep calm and carry on2. Live, laugh, love3. Don't worry, be happy4. Life is a journey, not a destination5. Home sweet home6. Good vibes only7. Hustle and heart will set you apart8. Dream big, work hard9.

Coffee & embroidery sayings

1. Coffee and embroidery: the perfect blend of creativity and caffeine.2. Stitching and sipping, a match made in heaven.3. Embroidery fueled by coffee and creativity.4. Sew much coffee, sew little time.5. Coffee in hand, needle in the other, ready to create.6. Embroidery: where art meets

Sayings in another language

1. Carpe diem - Latin for seize the day2. Vive la vida loca - Spanish for live the crazy life3. C'est la vie - French for that's life4. Hakuna matata - Swahili for no worries5. Saudade - Portuguese for a deep emotional state of longing or nostalgia6. In vino veritas - Latin for