Scooby doo characters sayings

1. Scooby-Doo: "Scooby-Dooby-Doo!"

2. Shaggy: "Zoinks!"

3. Velma: "Jinkies!"

4. Fred: "Let's split up, gang!"

5. Daphne: "Jeepers!"

6. Scooby-Doo: "Ruh-roh!"

7. Shaggy: "Like, man, that's creepy!"

8. Velma: "My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!"

9. Scooby-Doo: "Scooby snacks!"

10. Shaggy: "I'm too scared to go in there, Scoob!"

Above is Scooby doo characters sayings.

Retirement banner sayings

1. Cheers to a lifetime of hard work and now time for relaxation!2. Retirement: where every day is a Saturday!3. Retirement: the beginning of a new chapter4. Goodbye tension, hello pension!5. Retirement: the perfect time to do what you want, when you want6. Relax, unwind, and enjoy retire

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1. A chrysanthemum by any other name would still be as beautiful.2. Like a chrysanthemum, may you bloom and flourish in all aspects of your life.3. The chrysanthemum teaches us that beauty can be found in simplicity.4. In the language of flowers, the chrysanthemum symbolizes loyalty and longe

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Funny norse sayings

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1. Don't be a weiner, be a winner!2. Life is too short for a small weiner.3. Keep calm and eat a hot dog.4. Don't be a sausage, be a bratwurst!5. I'm on a roll, like a hot dog in a bun.6. I relish the moments when I can enjoy a good weiner.7. Ketchup with me if you can, I'm on a roll.8

Sayings about material

1. Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy material things that make you temporarily happy.2. The things you own end up owning you.3. Quality over quantity - it's better to have a few meaningful possessions than a lot of meaningless ones.4. Material wealth is fleeting, but inner wealth last