Scottish gaelic sayings about music

1. "Chan eil ceòl gun aighear, chan eil aighear gun cheòl" - "There is no joy without music, there is no music without joy."

2. "Is fheàrr teicheadh na dùsgadh" - "It is better to flee than to wake."

3. "Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh ceòl agus gaol" - "The world will come to an end, but music and love will endure."

4. "Tha ceòl air gach cridhe" - "Music is in every heart."

5. "Tha ceòl mar aon de na h-eòin" - "Music is like one of the birds."

6. "Tha ceòl mar aon de na h-eòin, a' seinn gu tric agus gun stad" - "Music is like one of the birds, singing often and without stopping."

7. "Tha ceòl na fuinn air a' chridhe" - "Music is the melody of the heart."

8. "Tha ceòl mar aon de na h-eòin, a' seinn gu tric agus gun stad" - "Music is like one of the birds, singing often and without stopping."

Above is Scottish gaelic sayings about music.

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