Scottish sayings quiz

Sure, I can provide you with a quiz on Scottish sayings. Here are a few questions for you to answer:

1. What does the Scottish saying "Lang may yer lum reek" mean?

a) May your fire burn long

b) May your chimney smoke

c) May your house be warm

2. What does the Scottish saying "Dinnae fash yersel" mean?

a) Don't worry

b) Don't be late

c) Don't forget

3. What does the Scottish saying "Wee bairn" refer to?

a) A small child

b) A mischievous person

c) A friendly neighbor

4. What does the Scottish saying "Awa' an bile yer heid" mean?

a) Go away and think

b) Go and wash your hair

c) Go and rest

5. What does the Scottish saying "Haud yer wheesht" mean?

a) Hold your tongue

b) Hold your breath

c) Hold your head up high

Feel free to answer these questions, and I can provide you with the correct answers afterward.

Above is Scottish sayings quiz.

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