Seinfeld common sayings

1. "Yada yada yada" - used to skip over details or summarize a story

2. "Not that there's anything wrong with that" - used to clarify that there is no judgment or criticism

3. "No soup for you!" - a phrase used by the Soup Nazi character to deny someone soup

4. "Serenity now!" - a phrase used by George's father to try to calm himself down

5. "These pretzels are making me thirsty" - a line from an episode where the characters argue over the best way to deliver a line in a movie

6. "It's gold, Jerry, gold!" - a phrase used to express excitement or approval

7. "Master of my domain" - a phrase used to boast about self-control or discipline

8. "Sponge-worthy" - a term used to describe someone worth using a contraceptive sponge for

9. "Shrinkage" - a term used to describe the phenomenon of male genitalia appearing smaller in cold water

10. "The sea was angry that day, my friends" - a line from George's retelling of a fishing trip

Above is Seinfeld common sayings.

Are sayings capitalized

In general, sayings or proverbs are not capitalized unless they contain proper nouns or are the title of a specific work. For example, a penny saved is a penny earned would not be capitalized, but The Early Bird Catches the Worm would be capitalized because it is a specific saying or proverb.

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