Serbian sayings quotes

1. "Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi." - "The early bird catches the worm."

2. "Ko drugome jamu kopa, sam u nju upada." - "He who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself."

3. "Nema dima bez vatre." - "There's no smoke without fire."

4. "Ko se zadnji smeje, najslađe se smeje." - "He who laughs last, laughs best."

5. "Ko ne riskira, taj ne profitira." - "No risk, no reward."

6. "Ko s đavolom tikve sadi, o glavu mu se razbijaju." - "He who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind."

7. "Ko čeka, dočeka." - "Good things come to those who wait."

8. "Gde ima volje, tu ima i načina." - "Where there's a will, there's a way."

9. "Ko se sa vukovima druži, i sam vuk postaje." - "He who hangs out with wolves, will eventually become one himself."

10. "Ko zna, zna; ko ne zna, neka pita." - "Those who know, know; those who don't, ask."

Above is Serbian sayings quotes.

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