Sex sayings that rhyme

1. "Better late than never, let's get it together."

2. "In the mood for some fun, let's get it done."

3. "Love is sweet, let's make it complete."

4. "Let's ignite the fire, take it higher."

5. "No need to be shy, let's give it a try."

6. "In the heat of the night, let's make it right."

7. "Together we'll soar, let's explore."

8. "Passion so pure, let's endure."

9. "In each other's arms, let's sound the alarms."

10. "With every touch, let's feel the rush."

Above is Sex sayings that rhyme.

Chuech sign sayings

Here are some church sign sayings that are often used to convey messages of faith, hope, and inspiration:1. Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will.2. Trust in God's timing, it's always perfect.3. Let your light shine for all to see.4. God's love is the greatest gift of

Budist sayings

1. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.2. The mind is everything. What you think you become.3. Pain is certain, suffering is optional.4. In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefu

Your as funny as sayings

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Sayings clarinet players say

1. I need to practice my long tones.2. I can't find my reeds anywhere!3. I just love the sound of a clarinet in the morning.4. I have a love-hate relationship with my ligature.5. I swear this clarinet is haunted, it keeps squeaking!6. I wish I could play as effortlessly as Benny Goodman.

Flower delivery card sayings

1. Sending you a bouquet of love and happiness.2. Wishing you a blooming day filled with joy.3. May these flowers brighten your day as you brighten mine.4. In every petal, a wish for your happiness.5. Just like these flowers, you bring beauty to my life.6. Thinking of you and sending you

Sayings for boys

1. Boys will be boys.2. Boys don't cry.3. Boys will be men someday.4. Boys will be boys, but men will be gentlemen.5. Boys play rough, but they have big hearts.6. Boys will be strong and brave.7. Boys will be adventurous and fearless.8. Boys will be mischievous but lovable.9. Boys w

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Scots sayings proverbs

1. Lang may yer lum reek. - May you live long and prosper.2. Awa' an bile yer heid. - Go away and boil your head.3. Dinnae fash yersel. - Don't worry yourself.4. Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye. - What is meant to happen will happen.5. Haud yer wheesht. - Be quiet.6. We're a' Jock Tamson's b

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Lighters with funny sayings

1. I'm a match made in heaven2. Don't be a drag, just light it up3. Hot stuff coming through4. Burn baby burn5. Spark up some laughter6. Flame on, party on7. Light up the night, ignite the fun8. Keep calm and flick your Bic9. Fire it up, let's get lit10. I'm a fire starter, twiste