Shame on you quotes and sayings

1. "Shame on you for treating someone as if they are disposable when they thought you were worth keeping."

2. "Shame on you for betraying someone's trust and breaking their heart."

3. "Shame on you for spreading lies and rumors to hurt someone's reputation."

4. "Shame on you for taking advantage of someone's kindness and generosity."

5. "Shame on you for not owning up to your mistakes and apologizing for the pain you've caused."

6. "Shame on you for belittling someone and making them feel small."

7. "Shame on you for not standing up for what is right and instead choosing to stay silent."

8. "Shame on you for being selfish and only thinking of yourself."

9. "Shame on you for not showing empathy and compassion towards others."

10. "Shame on you for not being the person you claim to be."

Above is Shame on you quotes and sayings.

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1. Dad, you're the reason I'm so good at dad jokes. 2. Dad, you're the man, the myth, the legend...and the one who always embarrasses me in public. 3. I smile because you're my dad. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it. 4. Dad, thanks for teaching me that it's okay to laugh at

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Marathi life quotes and sayings

1. जीवनात आनंदाची भरपूर अनुभवे, आणि त्यातले दु:ख तुझ्यावर कमी पडावे. (Experience the joy of life to the fullest, and let the sorrows in it affect you less.)2. जीवन ह्या एक अद्वितीय यात्रा आहे, त्यात आनंदाचे आणि दु:खाचे अनेक मोड आहेत. (Life is a unique journey with many twists of joy and sorrow.)

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1. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.2. Like a bull in a china shop.3. Busy as a bee.4. Straight from the horse's mouth.5. Selling like hotcakes.6. Happy as a pig in mud.7. Raining cats and dogs.8. Strong as an ox.9. Quiet as a mouse.10. Stubborn as a mule.