Shirt you can put sayings on

A customizable t-shirt where you can print your own sayings or designs would be a great option. You can find online services or local printing shops that offer custom t-shirt printing services. Just provide them with the text or design you want, and they can print it on a shirt for you. This way, you can have a unique and personalized shirt with your favorite saying on it.

Above is Shirt you can put sayings on.

Guacamole sayings

1. Holy guacamole!2. Guac 'n' roll!3. You had me at guacamole.4. Life is better with guacamole.5. Guacamole is my love language.6. Avocado, you're the one for me.7. Guacamole is the answer, no matter the question.8. Guacamole: the ultimate party starter.9. In guac we trust.10. Gua

Semicolon suicide prevention sayings

1. Your story isn't over yet; don't let a semicolon be the end.2. Your life is worth more than a semicolon; keep fighting.3. A semicolon is a pause, not an end; keep going.4. Your journey continues after a semicolon; keep moving forward.5. Don't let a semicolon define your story; you are st

Smiley sayings

1. Smile, it's contagious!2. A smile is the best accessory you can wear.3. Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart.4. Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.5. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.6. Smile, it's free therapy.7. Smile, it's

Epcot sayings

1. Welcome to Epcot, where the magic of Disney meets the wonders of the world.2. Discover the future, embrace the past, and celebrate the present at Epcot.3. Imagination is the key to unlocking the possibilities at Epcot.4. Explore, dream, and create at Epcot's World Showcase.5. Where cultu

Funny wise magic sayings

1. Magic is just science that we don't understand yet.2. A magician never reveals their secrets, but a wise magician knows when to make an exception.3. The true magic is not in the tricks we perform, but in the wonder and joy we bring to others.4. In the world of magic, the impossible becomes

A gift for you sayings

1. A little something to brighten your day.2. Just a little token of my appreciation for you.3. A small gesture to show how much you mean to me.4. I hope this gift brings a smile to your face.5. You deserve the world, but for now, here's a little gift from me.6. Sending you a little piece

Funny 40th birthday sayings for mum

1. Turning 40 is like fine wine - it only gets better with age. Happy birthday, Mum!2. They say life begins at 40, but for you, it's more like a comedy show! Happy birthday, Mum!3. 40 and fabulous - just like you, Mum! Happy birthday!4. They say 40 is the new 30, but let's be real, you've alw

Cute funny birthday card sayings

1. Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. Happy birthday!2. You're not getting older, you're just increasing in value like a fine wine. Cheers to another year!3. Happy birthday! Remember, you're not old, you're just retro!4. Another year older, but who's counting?

Sayings for crosses

1. Carry your cross with courage and grace.2. The cross is a symbol of sacrifice and redemption.3. In the shadow of the cross, we find strength and hope.4. Embrace the cross as a reminder of God's love and forgiveness.5. The cross may be heavy, but the burden is lightened by faith.6. Thro

Funny grandpa sayings

1. I'm not old, I'm just well-seasoned.2. I'm so old, I remember when rainbows were black and white.3. I may be old, but I can still outrun the grandkids... as long as they're walking.4. Back in my day, we didn't have all these fancy gadgets... we had to walk 10 miles in the snow to change th