Single women sayings

1. "I'm not waiting for a prince charming, I'm waiting for a man who respects me."

2. "I'm single by choice, not because I couldn't find someone."

3. "I'm not incomplete without a partner, I'm whole on my own."

4. "I'm not looking for someone to complete me, I'm looking for someone to complement me."

5. "I'd rather be single than settle for less than I deserve."

6. "I'm not anti-love, I'm pro-self-love."

7. "Being single doesn't mean I'm lonely, it means I'm strong enough to wait for what I deserve."

8. "I'm not afraid of being alone, I'm afraid of being in a relationship that doesn't fulfill me."

9. "I'm not defined by my relationship status, I'm defined by who I am as a person."

10. "I'm single, not because I can't find love, but because I won't settle for anything less than true love."

Above is Single women sayings.

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Old people sayings phrases

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