Sister brother sayings quotes

1. "A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost." - Marion C. Garretty

2. "A brother is a friend given by nature." - Jean Baptiste Legouve

3. "Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet." - Vietnamese Proverb

4. "Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together." - Sam Levenson

5. "A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite." - Elizabeth Fishel

6. "Brothers and sisters are the truest, purest forms of love, family and friendship, knowing when to hold you and when to challenge you, but always being a part of you." - Carol Ann Albright-Eastman

7. "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life." - Isadora James

8. "Brothers and sisters are like built-in best friends." - Unknown

9. "Siblings: your only enemy you can't live without." - Unknown

10. "A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother." - Benjamin Franklin

Above is Sister brother sayings quotes.

Frugality sayings

1. A penny saved is a penny earned.2. Live simply so that others may simply live.3. Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.4. The best things in life are not things.5. Buy less, choose well, make it last.6. Spend less than you earn, save and invest the rest.7. Frugality is th

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1. Keep moving forward.2. Believe in yourself.3. Stay positive always.

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Boriqus sayings

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