Sneezing sayings

1. "Bless you!"

2. "Gesundheit!"

3. "Cover your mouth and nose!"

4. "Sneeze like you mean it!"

5. "Sneeze into your elbow, not your hand!"

6. "Achoo!"

7. "Don't spread germs!"

8. "Sneeze and sniffle, blow your nose!"

9. "Sneeze and wheeze, cover with ease!"

10. "Sneeze and cough, don't shake it off!"

Above is Sneezing sayings.

Funny i've just heard sayings

That's great! Sayings can be a source of wisdom, humor, and inspiration. Would you like to share some of the funny sayings you've heard?

Great sayings about exams

1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier3. The only place where success comes before work is in the di

Mid west sayings

1. You betcha - Used to express agreement or affirmation.2. Don't cha know - Used to emphasize a point or ask if someone understands.3. Uff da - An expression of surprise, frustration, or exhaustion.4. Pop - Referring to soda or a carbonated beverage.5. Hot dish - Referring to a casserole

Sayings about strong foundations

1. A strong foundation ensures a sturdy structure.2. Build your life on a solid foundation, and you will weather any storm.3. The strength of a building lies in its foundation.4. A strong foundation is the key to lasting success.5. Plant your roots deep and build your future on a strong fou

Italian sayings about together

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Funny sayings 2015

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Inspirational women sayings

1. I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. - Louisa May Alcott2. The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. - Ayn Rand3. The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. - Coco Chanel4. I am not a one in a million kind of g

Funny st patricks day shirt sayings

1. Irish I were drunk.2. Shamrock and roll.3. Lucky charm.4. I'm not Irish, but kiss me anyway.5. Shenanigans and shillelaghs.6. Irish you were beer.7. I'm not lucky, I'm blessed.8. Keep calm and shamrock on.9. Irish today, hungover tomorrow.10. Pinch me and I'll punch you.

British sayings in wallace and gromit

In the animated series Wallace and Gromit, there are several British sayings and expressions that are commonly used. Some examples include:1. Cheese Gromit! - Wallace's catchphrase when he is excited about cheese.2. Cracking toast, Gromit! - Wallace's way of complimenting Gromit on his toast-m

Black ceramic cups with funny sayings

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