Some sanskrit sayings on importance of cows

1. "गावो धेनुर्धेनुवः सुखं गावः सुखं धेनुवः।" (Gavo dhenurdhenuvah sukham, gavah sukham dhenovah) - Cows are happiness for the calves, and calves are happiness for the cows.

2. "गावः सर्वस्य प्रदात्री गावः सर्वस्य पालिनी।" (Gavah sarvasya pradatri, gavah sarvasya palini) - Cows are the providers and protectors of all.

3. "गावो भूमिर्धनं धेनुः स्वर्गप्राप्तिर्महीयसाम्।" (Gavo bhumirdhanam dhenuh, svargapratir mahiyasam) - Cows are the earth, wealth, and the means to attain heaven for the noble.

4. "गावः सर्वस्य भूतानां माता गावः सर्वस्य धात्री।" (Gavah sarvasya bhutanam mata, gavah sarvasya dhatari) - Cows are the mothers and sustainers of all beings.

5. "गावः सर्वस्य भूतानां प्राणिनां च सुखावहाः।" (Gavah sarvasya bhutanam praninam cha sukha-vahah) - Cows bring happiness to all living beings.

Above is Some sanskrit sayings on importance of cows.

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