Sports shirts with sayings

1. "Hustle and Heart Set Us Apart"

2. "Winning is a Habit, Success is a Choice"

3. "Leave it all on the Field"

4. "Champions Train, Losers Complain"

5. "Sweat, Smile, Repeat"

6. "Play like a Champion Today"

7. "No Guts, No Glory"

8. "Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard"

9. "Fear the Competitor with Nothing to Lose"

10. "Victory is in the Struggle"

Above is Sports shirts with sayings.

Funny music and dancing quotes and sayings

1. Dance like nobody's watching, but email like it may one day be read aloud in a deposition. - Unknown2. Life is short, dance like nobody's watching, and email like it may one day be subpoenaed. - Unknown3. I don't need therapy, I just need to dance. - Unknown4. Dance first. Think later. It'

Old folk sayings weather

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The mighty boosh sayings

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Pittsburgh steelers quotes and sayings

1. Steelers football is a way of life. 2. In Pittsburgh, we bleed black and gold. 3. The Terrible Towel is more than just a piece of cloth, it's a symbol of our pride and passion. 4. Steelers Nation is a family, united by our love for the game and our team. 5. In Pittsburgh, we don't just p

African sayings on elephants

1. The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns. - African Proverb2. Even the elephant carries its own tusks. - African Proverb3. The elephant does not feel the weight of its tusks. - African Proverb4. An elephant's tusks can never be too heavy for it. - African Proverb5. The elephant

Dog food bowl sayings

1. Eat, play, love.2. Good dogs deserve good food.3. Dinner time is the best time.4. A full bowl, a happy soul.5. Pawsitively delicious.6. Food for the soul, food for the bowl.7. Eat well, wag often.8. Life is better with a full bowl.9. Serving up love, one meal at a time.10. In d

Baby girl clothes with funny sayings

Here are some funny sayings that you can find on baby girl clothes:1. I'm the boss, applesauce2. I'm not crying, I'm ordering dinner3. Milk drunk4. Nap queen5. Daddy's little sidekick6. I'm not a regular baby, I'm a cool baby7. I do my own stunts8. I'm the reason we can't have nice th

Float trip shirt sayings

1. Life is short, take the trip2. Adventure awaits3. Wanderlust4. Not all who wander are lost5. Explore more, worry less6. Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer7. Collect moments, not things8. Adventure is out there9. Let's get lost10. Travel far, travel often

Anniversary card sayings for friends

1. Cheers to another year of friendship and laughter. Happy anniversary, my dear friend!2. To my partner in crime, thank you for all the memories and adventures. Here's to many more years of friendship. Happy anniversary!3. Friendship is a treasure, and you are my most precious gem. Happy anniv

University sayings

1. College is the best time of your life.2. Work hard, play hard.3. The more you learn, the more you earn.4. College: where the magic happens.5. Education is the key to success.6. College is where you find yourself.7. The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.8. Knowledge i