Sudden sayings

1. "Out of the blue"

2. "In the blink of an eye"

3. "Like a bolt from the blue"

4. "Without warning"

5. "All of a sudden"

6. "Out of nowhere"

7. "In an instant"

8. "Like a shot in the dark"

9. "Like a slap in the face"

10. "In the heat of the moment"

Above is Sudden sayings.

Age before beauty sayings

1. Age before beauty.2. Respect your elders, beauty fades.3. Wisdom comes with age, beauty is fleeting.4. Experience trumps beauty.5. Old age is gold, beauty is just a facade.6. Age is just a number, beauty is temporary.7. Youth fades, but age improves.8. Wrinkles show where smiles ha

Backpacks with sayings on them

There are many backpacks available with various sayings and quotes on them. Some popular options include:1. Adventure Awaits2. Be Kind3. Stay Wild4. Good Vibes Only5. Explore More6. Dream Big7. Not All Who Wander Are Lost8. Work Hard, Play Hard9. Live, Laugh, Love10. Positive Vibe

Butterflies in my stomach quotes and sayings

1. I have butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around you. 2. Feeling like I have a whole garden of butterflies in my stomach. 3. Those butterflies in my stomach are a sign that something exciting is about to happen. 4. The flutter of butterflies in my stomach tells me that I'm alive and fe

Id hit that quotes and sayings

1. Hit the ground running.2. Hit the nail on the head.3. Hit the jackpot.4. Hit the road.5. Hit the hay.6. Hit the books.7. Hit the spot.8. Hit the ground running.9. Hit the bullseye.10. Hit the nail on the head.

St patricks day cute sayings

1. Irish you a lucky day!2. Shamrock and roll!3. Kiss me, I'm Irish... and cute!4. Lucky to be Irish and adorable!5. May your day be as sweet as a pot of gold!6. Irish eyes are smiling, and so am I!7. Feeling lucky and looking cute!8. Clovers and cuteness, that's how we roll on St. Pa

Lala kent sayings

Here are some popular sayings and quotes by Lala Kent:1. I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom.2. I'm not here to play games, I'm here to slay.3. I'm not about that fake sh*t, I keep it real.4. I'm not a one in a million kind of girl, I'm a once in a lifetime kind of woman.5. I'm not perfec

Christmas sayings about singing

1. Christmas carols fill the air with joy and cheer.2. Singing together at Christmas warms the heart.3. The sound of Christmas songs brings peace and happiness.4. Let's sing out loud and spread the Christmas spirit.5. In every note of a Christmas song, there's a message of love.6. Singing

Fun sayings for mom birthday

1. Mom, you're not getting older, you're just leveling up!2. Age is just a number, and you wear it well, Mom!3. Mom, you're like a fine wine - you only get better with age!4. Happy birthday to the woman who has it all - beauty, brains, and a heart of gold!5. Mom, you're the real MVP of our

Brattiness quotes and sayings

1. I'm not spoiled, I just happen to have great taste. 2. I may be bratty, but at least I know what I want. 3. I'm not a princess, I'm a queen. And queens don't settle for less. 4. I'm not being difficult, I'm just being fabulous. 5. I'm not spoiled, I'm just well taken care of. 6. I may

Cute sayings about being pinch proof on st patricks day

1. I'm pinch proof, so don't even try to sneak up on me!2. I've got my green on, so I'm pinch proof all day long!3. No pinches here, just good luck and cheer!4. Pinch me once, shame on you. Pinch me twice, I'm still pinch proof!5. I'm like a four-leaf clover, pinch proof and lucky all over!