Sweetness quotes and sayings

1. "Sweetness is the essence of life." - Lailah Gifty Akita

2. "The sweetest things in life are not things, they are moments." - Unknown

3. "Life is short, but there is always time for sweetness." - Unknown

4. "Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart." - Rumi

5. "Sweetness is the secret ingredient that makes life worth living." - Unknown

6. "In a world full of bitterness, be the sweetness." - Unknown

7. "Sweetness is the language of love." - Unknown

8. "Let your words be sweet, for someday you may have to eat them." - Unknown

9. "The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love." - Pearl Bailey

10. "Life is short, but there is always time for a little sweetness." - Unknown

Above is Sweetness quotes and sayings.

Sayings for bedroom wall

1. Dream big, sleep well.2. Good vibes only.3. Love grows best in little houses.4. Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction.5. Create your own sunshine.6. Sweet dreams and goodnight kisses.7. Home is where the heart is.8. Let's stay home.9. Inhale confidence, exhale d

Matchy matchy sayings

1. Birds of a feather flock together.2. Great minds think alike.3. Two peas in a pod.4. Like two peas in a pod.5. In sync.6. On the same wavelength.7. Cut from the same cloth.8. Two of a kind.9. Like two peas in a pod.10. Singing the same tune.

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French breakfast sayings

1. Petit déjeuner de roi, déjeuner de prince, dîner de pauvre. (Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper.)2. Le matin, on mange comme un roi. (In the morning, eat like a king.)3. Un bon petit déjeuner vaut mieux qu'un long discours. (A good breakfast is better than a lo

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1. G'day mate - Hello friend2. No worries - No problem3. Fair dinkum - Genuine or true4. She'll be right - Everything will be okay5. Arvo - Afternoon6. Barbie - Barbecue7. Ripper - Excellent or great8. Bonza - Fantastic9. Straya - Australia10. Strewth - Expression of surprise or disbelief

Sayings about cursing

1. Cursing is the coward's way of expressing themselves.2. Cursing is a sign of a limited vocabulary.3. Cursing is like a double-edged sword, it can cut others as well as yourself.4. Cursing may provide temporary relief, but it leaves a lasting impression.5. Cursing is the language of the u

Cute sayings and phrases

1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.2. Love is a friendship set to music.3. You are the peanut butter to my jelly.4. Life is better with sprinkles.5. You are the apple of my eye.6. Happiness is homemade.7. You make my heart skip a beat.8. You are my happy place.9. Love is a journ

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Volleyball clipart black and white sayings

Here are some black and white volleyball clipart sayings that you can use:1. Spike it like it's hot2. Bump, set, spike3. Dig deep4. Volleyball is life5. Block party6. Serve it up7. Set for success8. Dive for the win9. Block out the haters10. Sweat, smile, repeat