Tap dance quotes and sayings

1. "Tap dancing is a conversation between the feet and the floor."

2. "Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order." - Samuel Beckett

3. "Tap dancing is like a language, a way of expressing yourself without words."

4. "In tap dancing, your feet are the instruments and the floor is your stage."

5. "Tap dancing is a form of art that allows you to create music with your feet."

6. "Tap dancing is a blend of rhythm, movement, and expression."

7. "The sound of tap shoes is like music to the ears of a dancer."

8. "Tap dancing is a way to connect with the rhythm of life."

9. "Tap dancing is not just a skill, it's a passion that flows through your veins."

10. "When you tap dance, you create your own music and write your own story with every step."

Above is Tap dance quotes and sayings.

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