Ted lasso famous sayings

1. "Be curious, not judgmental."

2. "Believe."

3. "It's the hope that kills you."

4. "I think that you might have a little bit of a problem with your radar."

5. "I believe in hope. I believe in belief."

6. "The happiest animal in the world is a goldfish. It has a 10-second memory."

7. "You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It's a goldfish. You know why? Got a 10-second memory. Be a goldfish, Sam."

8. "I always figured that tea was just gonna taste like hot brown water. And you know what? I was right. Yeah, it's horrible. No, thank you."

9. "I think it's time we started playing like the big boys."

10. "You know what the problem is? We're not making the extra pass. We're not working for each other. We're not playing with the joy that we used to."

Above is Ted lasso famous sayings.

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