Teenage quotes and sayings

1. "Being a teenager is an awkward time in life, but it's also a time of self-discovery and growth."

2. "Teenagers: too old to be considered a child, too young to be considered an adult."

3. "Teenagers are like snowflakes, each one unique and beautiful in their own way."

4. "Teenage years are like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs but always exciting."

5. "Teenagers have the power to change the world, one small act of kindness at a time."

6. "Teenagers may be moody and rebellious, but they also have a passion for life that is unmatched."

7. "Being a teenager means making mistakes and learning from them, it's all part of growing up."

8. "Teenagers are like stars, they shine brightest in the darkest of times."

9. "Teenagers have the ability to dream big and chase after those dreams with fearless determination."

10. "The teenage years are a time to embrace your individuality and express yourself without fear of judgment."

Above is Teenage quotes and sayings.

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