Texas sayings slang

1. "Y'all" - Short for "you all," used to address a group of people.

2. "Fixin' to" - Getting ready to do something.

3. "Bless your heart" - Often used sarcastically to express sympathy or pity.

4. "Howdy" - A common greeting, short for "How do you do?"

5. "Cattywampus" - Crooked or askew.

6. "Ain't" - Contraction of "am not," "is not," or "are not."

7. "Holler" - To shout or call out loudly.

8. "Might could" - Might be able to or might possibly.

9. "Lone Star State" - Nickname for Texas, referring to the single star on the state flag.

10. "All hat, no cattle" - Refers to someone who talks big but doesn't follow through with action.

Above is Texas sayings slang.

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