Tralfamadore and its sayings

Tralfamadore is a fictional planet created by author Kurt Vonnegut in his novel "Slaughterhouse-Five." The Tralfamadorians are an alien race that have a unique perspective on time and existence. Here are some of the sayings and beliefs associated with Tralfamadore:

1. "So it goes": This phrase is used by the Tralfamadorians to express their acceptance of death and the inevitability of the passage of time. It is often repeated throughout the novel whenever a death or tragic event occurs.

2. Tralfamadorian view of time: The Tralfamadorians believe that time is not linear, but rather exists all at once. They see all moments in time simultaneously, and therefore do not experience the same sense of loss or regret as humans do.

3. "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt": This is another saying attributed to the Tralfamadorians, reflecting their ability to find beauty and meaning in all moments, even those that may seem tragic or painful to humans.

4. Tralfamadorian philosophy of free will: The Tralfamadorians believe that everything that happens is predetermined and cannot be changed. They do not believe in the concept of free will, as they see all events as already having occurred.

Overall, the Tralfamadorians and their sayings in "Slaughterhouse-Five" serve as a commentary on the human experience and our perceptions of time, fate, and existence.

Above is Tralfamadore and its sayings.

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