Triple h sayings

Here are some famous sayings by Triple H, the professional wrestler and WWE executive:

1. "It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog."

2. "Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."

3. "I am the game, and I make the rules."

4. "I have a motto. Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."

5. "I am the King of Kings, and I am the Game... and that damn sure makes me that damn good."

6. "I am the most powerful entity in the WWE."

7. "I am the measuring stick by which all others are judged."

8. "I am the cerebral assassin."

9. "I am the man that's gonna walk out of here, still the World Heavyweight Champion."

10. "I am the man that's gonna beat the hell out of you."

Above is Triple h sayings.

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