Turning 40 sayings one liners

1. Life begins at 40.

2. 40 is the new 30.

3. 40 and fabulous.

4. 40 and thriving.

5. 40 and fabulous, just like wine.

6. 40 is the age of wisdom.

7. 40 and loving it.

8. 40 and fearless.

9. 40 and fabulous, flirty, and thriving.

10. 40 is the new chapter of life.

11. 40 and fabulous, just getting started.

12. 40 and fabulous, fierce, and fun.

13. 40 and feeling fantastic.

14. 40 and fabulous, full of life.

15. 40 and fabulous, forever young.

16. 40 and fabulous, fierce, and fabulous.

17. 40 and fabulous, fierce, and fearless.

18. 40 and fabulous, feeling fantastic.

19. 40 and fabulous, full of energy.

20. 40 and fabulous, forever fabulous.

21. 40 and fabulous, flourishing.

22. 40 and fabulous, feeling fabulous.

23. 40 and fabulous, full of joy.

24. 40 and fabulous, full of vitality.

25. 40 and fabulous, full of grace.

26. 40 and fabulous, full of gratitude.

27. 40 and fabulous, full of blessings.

28. 40 and fabulous, full of love.

29. 40 and fabulous, full of laughter.

30. 40 and fabulous, full of adventure.

31. 40 and fabulous, full of happiness.

32. 40 and fabulous, full of strength.

33. 40 and fabulous, full of courage.

34. 40 and fabulous, full of determination.

35. 40 and fabulous, full of inspiration.

36. 40 and fabulous, full of passion.

37. 40 and fabulous, full of dreams.

38. 40 and fabulous, full of possibilities.

39. 40 and fabulous, full of hope.

40. 40 and fabulous, full of success.

Above is Turning 40 sayings one liners.

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