Against sexual assualt quotes and sayings

1. "No means no. It's a complete sentence."

2. "Consent is not negotiable."

3. "My body is not an invitation, it's a temple."

4. "Sexual assault is a crime, not a mistake."

5. "Real men respect women's boundaries."

6. "Survivors are not to blame, perpetrators are."

7. "Your body, your rules."

8. "Silence does not mean consent."

9. "No one has the right to violate your body or your boundaries."

10. "It's not about what she was wearing, it's about the lack of respect for her as a person."

Above is Against sexual assualt quotes and sayings.

Naughty trick or treat sayings

1. Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!2. Give me candy or I'll play a prank on you!3. Trick or treat, give me something sweet, or I'll haunt your street!4. If you don't give me treats, I'll give you tricks!5. Give me candy or I'll TP your house!6. Trick or treat,

Judge judy sayings

1. If it doesn't make sense, it's not true.2. Beauty fades, dumb is forever.3. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.4. You can't teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of time and it annoys the pig.5. I'm the boss, Applesauce.6. Justice is open to everyone in the same way as the Ritz H

Sayings from heartless writer in urdu facebook

Here are some sayings from heartless writers in Urdu that you can use on Facebook:1. دل کی باتوں کا کیا فائدہ، جو دل ہی نہیں رہا2. زخموں کو بھرنے والے بھی زخمی ہوتے ہیں3. دل کو جلانے والے خود بھی جلتے ہیں4. محبت کی باتیں کرنے والے خود محبت سے بچتے ہیں5. دل کو چھونے والے خود دل سے بے رحم ہوت

Animation and creativity sayings

1. Creativity is intelligence having fun. - Albert Einstein2. The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. - Albert Einstein3. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. - Scott Adams4. Imagination is the beginning of creation. You im

Insanity sayings

1. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.2. In the land of the insane, the sane man is the outcast.3. Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push.4. The line between genius and insanity is very thin.5. In the kingdom of the mad, the

Better sayings for incorrect

1. Not quite right2. Missed the mark3. Off the mark4. Inaccurate5. Not on point6. Wide of the mark7. Not hitting the nail on the head8. Not quite there9. Not accurate10. Not spot on

Cool short sayings about me

1. Small but mighty.2. Bold and unstoppable.3. A force to be reckoned with.4. Fierce and fabulous.5. Living life in full color.6. Determined and dynamic.7. Sparkle wherever you go.8. Fearless and fabulous.9. Sassy and classy.10. Radiating positivity.

Baby girl gift card sayings

1. Congratulations on your precious baby girl! Enjoy every moment with her.2. Wishing you and your little princess a lifetime of love and happiness.3. May your baby girl bring you endless joy and laughter.4. Welcome to the world, sweet baby girl! You are already so loved.5. Sending love and

Men.mood sayings

1. A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.2. A man is not defined by his possessions, but by his actions.3. A man's character is his fate.4. The measure of a man is what he does with power.5. A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.6. A man is not judged by how

Islander sayings

Here are a few islander sayings that reflect the laid-back and easy-going lifestyle often associated with island living:1. No hurries, no worries.2. Island time is the best time.3. Salt in the air, sand in my hair.4. Life is better in flip flops.5. Sunshine is my favorite accessory.6. Goo