Typical nz sayings

1. "Sweet as" - meaning everything is good or okay.

2. "Chur" - a term of agreement or thanks.

3. "She'll be right" - everything will be okay.

4. "Good on ya" - well done or congratulations.

5. "Kia ora" - a Maori greeting meaning hello or thank you.

6. "Yeah, nah" - a way of saying no or expressing doubt.

7. "Bro" or "Cuz" - terms of endearment for friends or family.

8. "Hard yakka" - hard work or effort.

9. "No worries" - don't worry about it.

10. "Choice" - cool or great.

Above is Typical nz sayings.

Cute kawaii halloween pokemon sayings

1. Trick or treat, Pikachu's here to greet!2. Ghastly cute, Gengar says boo!3. Eevee-lution into a spooky ghost!4. Jigglypuff's singing a Halloween tune!5. Bulbasaur's dressed as a pumpkin, so cute!6. Squirtle's ready to make a splash this Halloween!7. Charmander's flames light up the n

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Love wedding arabic sayings

1. الحب والزواج يصنعان السعادة (Love and marriage create happiness)2. الحب هو اللغة التي يفهمها القلب بغض النظر عن اللسان (Love is the language that the heart understands regardless of the tongue)3. الحب لا يعرف الدين ولا العرق (Love knows no religion or race)4. الحب هو السر الذي يجعل من الحي

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1. Inna dancehall, we nuh care bout dem, we just a live our life. 2. Dancehall is where we come alive, where we let go of all our worries and just vibe. 3. From the dancehall to the world, we spread love and unity through our music. 4. In the dancehall, every beat is a heartbeat, every move i

Blue ridge sayings

1. Blue Ridge beauty, mountain high, soul at peace, heart in the sky.2. Blue Ridge bliss, where the mountains whisper and the rivers sing.3. In the Blue Ridge, time slows down and nature's song fills the air.4. Blue Ridge magic, where the spirit of the mountains dances with the soul of the ea

Catchy sayings for baby pictures

1. Tiny toes, big adventures.2. Little hands, big dreams.3. Sweet cheeks and chubby thighs, that's how babies mesmerize.4. Cuteness overload!5. Snuggle bug in the making.6. Babies are the best kind of trouble.7. Cherish the little moments.8. Adorable from head to toe.9. Baby smiles

Arabic sayings of love

1. حبّي لك كالنجمة في السماء، لا تنطفئ أبدًا. (My love for you is like a star in the sky, it never fades.)2. عيونك نجوم تضيء ليلي. (Your eyes are stars that light up my night.)3. أنت نبض قلبي وروحي. (You are the pulse of my heart and my soul.)4. حبك يروي روحي كالمطر يروي الأرض. (Your love no

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Gaelic life sayings meaning

Gaelic life sayings often reflect the wisdom and values of the Gaelic culture. Here are a few examples of Gaelic life sayings and their meanings:1. Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón. - A person's mouth often breaks their nose.Meaning: This saying emphasizes the importance of thinking before