Valerius maximus memorable deeds and sayings

Valerius Maximus was a Roman author who compiled a collection of memorable deeds and sayings in his work titled "Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX" (Nine Books of Memorable Deeds and Sayings). The work is a collection of anecdotes and moral teachings from Roman history and literature. Some of the notable deeds and sayings included in Valerius Maximus' work are:

1. The story of Cincinnatus, a Roman dictator who was called from his farm to lead the Roman army in a time of crisis and then returned to his plow after the victory, demonstrating humility and civic virtue.

2. The saying "virtue is its own reward," which emphasizes the importance of moral character and integrity.

3. The story of Horatius Cocles, a Roman hero who defended a bridge against an invading army single-handedly, allowing his fellow soldiers to destroy the bridge and prevent the enemy from crossing.

4. The saying "fortune favors the bold," which encourages taking risks and seizing opportunities.

5. The story of Regulus, a Roman general who kept his word and returned to Carthage as a prisoner of war, even though he knew he would face torture and death.

6. The saying "moderation in all things," which advocates for balance and temperance in one's actions.

These are just a few examples of the memorable deeds and sayings found in Valerius Maximus' work, which continues to be studied for its insights into Roman history and moral philosophy.

Above is Valerius maximus memorable deeds and sayings.

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