Vermont sayings

1. "Makin' hay while the sun shines" - Referring to taking advantage of good weather to get work done.

2. "You can't get there from here" - A humorous way of saying that something is difficult to find or reach.

3. "Up the road a piece" - Referring to a location that is a short distance away.

4. "Mind your Ps and Qs" - A reminder to be on your best behavior and be polite.

5. "Flatlander" - A term used to describe someone who is not from Vermont.

6. "Sugar on snow" - A traditional Vermont treat made by pouring hot maple syrup over snow to create a sweet, taffy-like candy.

7. "Green up" - Referring to the time in spring when the landscape starts to turn green with new growth.

8. "Vermont strong" - A phrase used to show resilience and unity in the face of challenges.

9. "Hunker down" - To settle in and prepare for a storm or difficult situation.

10. "No room to swing a cat" - Referring to a small or cramped space.

Above is Vermont sayings.

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