Whoever smelt it dealt it other sayings
Here are some other sayings related to the "whoever smelt it dealt it" concept:
1. "He who denied it supplied it."
2. "The one who smelt it dealt it, the one who denied it supplied it."
3. "The one who detected it ejected it."
4. "Whoever spoke last broke wind fast."
5. "The one who made the rhyme did the crime."
6. "The one who pointed the finger was the real stinker."
7. "The one who accused blew a fuse."
8. "The one who smelt it, dealt it, the one who rhymed it, primed it."
9. "The one who smelled it, expelled it."
10. "The one who smelt it, dealt it, the one who rhymed it, chimed it."
Above is Whoever smelt it dealt it other sayings.
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