Wild hare quotes and sayings

1. "The wildest hare has the keenest eye." - German Proverb

2. "A wild hare never gets caught twice in the same snare." - Irish Proverb

3. "The hare is a wild creature, and the wildest of them all is the hare of the mind." - Henry David Thoreau

4. "The hare is the swiftest of all wild animals, and it is the one that is hardest to catch." - Aesop

5. "The wild hare leaps and bounds, always staying one step ahead." - Unknown

6. "In the chase of the wild hare, the hunter becomes the hunted." - Native American Proverb

7. "The wild hare knows no fear, for it lives by its instincts alone." - Unknown

8. "The wild hare teaches us to be quick, agile, and always alert." - Unknown

9. "The wild hare is a symbol of freedom and independence, always on the move and never tied down." - Unknown

10. "Like a wild hare, we must be swift and adaptable in the face of challenges." - Unknown

Above is Wild hare quotes and sayings.

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