Wise sayings about news

1. "Don't believe everything you read in the news, but don't ignore it either."

2. "The news is like a puzzle, it's important to piece together different sources to get the full picture."

3. "In a world of fake news, seek the truth with a discerning mind."

4. "The news is a reflection of the world's chaos, but it's up to us to find the order within it."

5. "Stay informed, but don't let the news consume you. Balance is key."

6. "The news may be fleeting, but its impact can be lasting. Choose wisely what you consume."

7. "The news is a powerful tool, use it wisely to stay informed and make a difference."

8. "In a world of constant updates, remember to take a step back and reflect on the bigger picture."

9. "The news can be a double-edged sword, use it to empower yourself and others."

10. "Stay curious, stay critical, and stay informed. The news is a gateway to knowledge and understanding."

Above is Wise sayings about news.

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Patanjali sayings

Patanjali, an ancient Indian sage, is known for his compilation of the Yoga Sutras, which are a collection of aphorisms that provide guidance on the practice of yoga and the path to spiritual enlightenment. Some of the key sayings from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali include:1. Yogas citta vritti niro