Women's shirts with french sayings

Sure, here are some examples of women's shirts with French sayings:

1. "C'est la vie" - This translates to "That's life" in English and is a common French expression.

2. "Je t'aime" - This means "I love you" in French and is a classic romantic phrase.

3. "La vie est belle" - Translating to "Life is beautiful," this phrase is often used to express positivity and gratitude.

4. "Vive la mode" - Meaning "Long live fashion," this phrase celebrates the world of style and trends.

5. "Bon appétit" - A common phrase used before a meal, meaning "Enjoy your meal."

6. "Joie de vivre" - Translating to "Joy of living," this phrase encapsulates the French appreciation for the simple pleasures of life.

You can find these and more options by searching online on websites that sell women's clothing with French sayings.

Above is Women's shirts with french sayings.

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