Yiddish sayings about love

1. "Liebe macht blind." (Love makes you blind.)

2. "A libe iz vi a roze, nor azoy vi a dorn." (Love is like a rose, but with thorns.)

3. "In libe iz nit keyn moyre." (In love, there is no fear.)

4. "Libe ken men nit kafen." (Love cannot be bought.)

5. "Libe iz vi a feier, es brent un es vert nit farshtelt." (Love is like a fire, it burns and cannot be extinguished.)

6. "In libe iz a shray, in libe iz a geveyn." (In love there is a cry, in love there is a moan.)

7. "A libe iz vi a kind, es iz sheyn nor es makht a tsind." (Love is like a child, it is beautiful but it makes a mess.)

8. "Libe iz a geheimnis." (Love is a mystery.)

9. "Libe iz vi a shpigl, es vert alt, ober es vert nit shlecht." (Love is like a mirror, it gets old, but it doesn't get bad.)

10. "In libe iz a geveyn, in libe iz a freyd." (In love there is a moan, in love there is joy.)

Above is Yiddish sayings about love.

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