Yoga sanskrit sayings

1. "Yogah citta vritti nirodhah" - Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.

2. "Sthira sukham asanam" - The posture should be steady and comfortable.

3. "Tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam" - Then the seer abides in their own true nature.

4. "Yogah karmasu kaushalam" - Yoga is skill in action.

5. "Satya ahimsa asteya brahmacharya aparigraha yamah" - The five yamas are truthfulness, non-violence, non-stealing, continence, and non-greed.

6. "Tapah svadhyaya ishvara pranidhanani kriya yoga" - The practice of self-discipline, self-study, and devotion to the divine is the path of Kriya Yoga.

7. "Santosha adi anuttamah sukha labhah" - From contentment, unsurpassed happiness is obtained.

8. "Svadhyaya ishta devata samprayogah" - Self-study leads to communion with one's chosen deity.

9. "Aparigraha sthairye janma kathamta sambodhah" - By non-attachment, one attains a state of serenity and understanding of the how and why of birth.

10. "Yogah chitta vritti nirodhah pranasya" - Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the breath.

Above is Yoga sanskrit sayings.

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