Yoruba sayings about love

1. "Ọmọ rẹ ló ń bẹ ló bá ń bẹ, ọmọ rẹ ló ń rẹ ló bá ń rẹ." (Your child is the one you carry on your back, your child is the one you nurse.)

2. "Ìfẹ́ ló fẹ́ ẹni, kò sí ẹni tí ó fẹ́." (Love is what one feels for someone, there is no one who cannot be loved.)

3. "Ìfẹ́ ló fẹ́ ẹni, kò sí ẹni tí ó fẹ́ bá." (Love is what one feels for someone, there is no one who cannot be loved.)

4. "Ìfẹ́ ni ọmọ ẹni, kò sí ẹni tí ó fẹ́ bá." (Love is the child of someone, there is no one who cannot be loved.)

5. "Ìfẹ́ ni ìgbàgbọ́, kí ẹni bá fẹ́ ọkàn rẹ." (Love is like a mirror, let one love their own heart.)

These Yoruba sayings emphasize the importance and universality of love in human relationships.

Above is Yoruba sayings about love.

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