You are cuter than sayings

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Above is You are cuter than sayings.

Bubble sayings for students

1. Don't burst your own bubble of potential.2. Rise above the noise and shine like a bubble.3. Let your ideas bubble to the surface.4. Life is like a bubble, fragile yet beautiful.5. Stay positive and keep your bubble of happiness intact.6. Be like a bubble - flexible, adaptable, and alwa

5th anniversary card sayings

1. Five years of love, laughter, and memories. Here's to many more to come!2. Happy 5th anniversary to my partner in crime, my rock, and my best friend.3. Five years down, forever to go. I love you more each day.4. Cheers to us and to the incredible journey we've shared over the past five yea

Funny religious quotes and sayings

1. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. - Emo Philips2. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right. - Unknown3. I don't know why some people change churches; what difference does it make which one you stay home from?

Any great sayings about thanksgiving

Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. - William Arthur WardThanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude. - Nigel HamiltonGratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is

Covid sayings for t shirts

1. Mask up, stay safe2. Social distance warrior3. In this together, apart4. Quarantine and chill5. Flatten the curve6. Pandemic warrior7. Stay home, save lives8. Six feet apart, but close at heart9. Wash your hands, save lives10. 2020: The year of the mask

Funny letter board sayings for christmas

1. Dear Santa, define 'nice'. 2. All I want for Christmas is a nap... and maybe some cookies. 3. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red. 4. Christmas calories don't count... right? 5. The elf did it. 6. Sleigh all day, then cabernet. 7. I'm only

About well drought sayings pictures

Drought is a slow silent killer. - UnknownEven the strongest trees can wither in a drought. - UnknownA dry well is a reminder of the value of water. - UnknownA drought tests the resilience of both land and people. - UnknownA well without water is like a heart without love. - UnknownA drou

Italian sayings about life

1. La vita è come una bicicletta, per mantenere l'equilibrio devi muoverti. (Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving.)2. Chi dorme non piglia pesci. (He who sleeps doesn't catch any fish.)3. Chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera. (Well begun is half done.)4. No

A sayings and pictures for men

1. A real man is not defined by his muscles, but by his character and integrity.2. A man of strength is also a man of compassion.3. Real men don't just talk about making a difference, they actually do it.4. A gentleman is not just someone who knows how to treat a lady, but also how to treat e

50th wedding anniversary invitation sayings

1. Join us as we celebrate 50 years of love and commitment!2. Fifty years of love, laughter, and memories - come celebrate with us!3. Half a century of love and happiness - please join us for our golden anniversary!4. Together for 50 years and still going strong - join us in celebrating our l