16 year anniversary sayings

1. "16 years of love, laughter, and memories. Here's to many more!"

2. "Celebrating 16 years of marriage and still going strong."

3. "Happy 16th anniversary to the love of my life. You make every day brighter."

4. "16 years of growing together, learning together, and loving each other more each day."

5. "Cheers to 16 years of marriage and a lifetime of happiness ahead."

6. "Through thick and thin, we've made it to 16 years. Here's to us!"

7. "16 years of love, commitment, and endless adventures. Here's to many more to come."

8. "Happy anniversary to the one who makes my heart skip a beat after 16 years."

9. "To my partner in crime, my rock, my love. Happy 16th anniversary."

10. "16 years of marriage and still madly in love. Here's to us and our forever."

Above is 16 year anniversary sayings.

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Grand finale sayings

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Before you speak sayings

Think before you speak.