22 clues sayings

Sure, here are 22 popular sayings or idioms along with their meanings:

1. "Bite the bullet" - to endure a painful or difficult situation

2. "Break the ice" - to initiate a conversation or interaction

3. "Cost an arm and a leg" - to be very expensive

4. "Don't cry over spilled milk" - don't worry about things that have already happened and cannot be changed

5. "Hit the nail on the head" - to describe something accurately

6. "Kill two birds with one stone" - to accomplish two tasks with a single action

7. "Let the cat out of the bag" - to reveal a secret

8. "Piece of cake" - something that is very easy to do

9. "Raining cats and dogs" - raining heavily

10. "The ball is in your court" - it is your turn to make a decision or take action

11. "Under the weather" - feeling unwell or sick

12. "When pigs fly" - something that will never happen

13. "You can't judge a book by its cover" - you cannot judge someone or something based on appearance alone

14. "Actions speak louder than words" - what someone does is more important than what they say

15. "Burning the midnight oil" - working late into the night

16. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" - don't risk everything on a single venture

17. "Every cloud has a silver lining" - there is something positive in every negative situation

18. "Jump on the bandwagon" - to join a popular trend or activity

19. "Out of the blue" - unexpectedly

20. "The early bird catches the worm" - those who act early or arrive first have the best chance of success

21. "Two wrongs don't make a right" - it is not justified to respond to a wrongdoing with another wrongdoing

22. "You reap what you sow" - you will eventually face the consequences of your actions

Above is 22 clues sayings.

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