Abe's oddysee sayings

Some of the iconic sayings from the game "Abe's Oddysee" include:

1. "Hello."

2. "Follow me."

3. "Sorry."

4. "Work."

5. "Help me."

6. "Wait."

7. "Stop it."

8. "Look out."

9. "Okay."

10. "I'm outta here."

Above is Abe's oddysee sayings.

Sayings similar to you can't have it all

1. You can't have your cake and eat it too.2. You can't have the best of both worlds.3. You can't have everything your way.4. You can't have your fingers in every pie.5. You can't have the moon on a stick.6. You can't have your way in every situation.7. You can't have all the advantages.8. You can't

Insirational sayings about sons

1. A son is a mother's pride and joy, a father's greatest legacy.2. Sons are the anchors of a mother's life, the wings of a father's dreams.3. A son is a gift that lasts a lifetime, a blessing that brings endless joy.4. Sons may grow into men, but they will always be their parents' little boy

Sayings like what marcel marceau is to radio

Like a mime in a radio studio

Passover sayings

1. Next year in Jerusalem2. Dayenu (It would have been enough)3. Chag Sameach (Happy holiday)4. Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover)5. Let my people go6. The four questions7. Matzah and maror8. Freedom from slavery9. The ten plagues10. Recounting the Exodus

Birthday card sayings for your brother

1. To my amazing brother, may your birthday be filled with joy, laughter, and all the love in the world.2. Happy birthday to the best brother a sister could ask for! Here's to another year of making unforgettable memories together.3. Brother, you are not just a year older today, but a year wise

Cholo words sayings

Here are some common cholo words and sayings:1. Vato - Dude or guy2. Chale - No way or not happening3. Mija/Mijo - Term of endearment for a girl/boy4. ¿Qué onda? - What's up?5. Ese - Dude or homie6. Chingón - Cool or awesome7. Simón - Yes or agreed8. Chido - Cool or awesome9. No mames - No way or yo

Hilarious quotes and sayings for facebook

1. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.2. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.3. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.4. I'm not clumsy, it's just the floor hates me.5. I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?6. I'm not shor

16 boy birthday sayings

1. Cheers to 16 years of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories!2. Happy Sweet 16! May this year be filled with joy, adventure, and dreams coming true.3. Sixteen candles, sixteen wishes, and a lifetime of happiness ahead. Happy Birthday!4. Wishing the coolest 16-year-old a day filled with

Fit for each others sayings

Two peas in a pod - used to describe two people who are very similar and well-suited for each other.A match made in heaven - used to describe a couple who are perfect for each other and seem destined to be together.Like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together - used to describe two peopl

Funny honeymoon sayings

1. Honeymoon: a short period of doting between dating and debting.2. Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is eternity. The honeymoon is the first big test.3. Honeymoon: a trip taken by newlyweds to celebrate their marriage and test the strength of